1984 Cessna 172p Poh Pdf



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As a reference, it's good for pretty much everything exept weight and balance calculations. You should use the numbers that are in the AFM that stays with the plane, because they're the most accurate.

They take into account recent measurements for that specific plane, while a POH will just give you factory standard numbers. You can use the POH for rough calculations as long as your plane doesn't have some weird modifications that throw the empty CG off, but for accuracy and legality you need to use the tail-number-specific numbers from the AFM. For older aircraft that don't have an AFM, you should still look into its records and find the latest W&B numbers and use those. Don't just use the POH numbers on good faith. I believe my plane currently weighs 50-75 pounds more than the factory POH numbers. Just make sure you're using an official AFM when you do this for your checkride.