Class 12 Physics Practical File


Physics class 12 cbse practical reading. I'll provide readings of experiments which was done by me in. CBSE,Class 12th,Physics Practical File Readings.

Sorry if are spelling mistakes in my work. But, I'm sure that you'll find these experiments really helpful. I searched the internet for hours and still did not find proper material and had to spend weeks doing this lab manual or lab file.

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But, now you have the experiments, so take advantage and focus more on your theory paper. This is my WHOLE Physics Lab Manual Pictures.

Feel free to use the images but please give proper credit. Best of LUCK!:) P.S.: CLICK TO ENLARGE IMAGES. PPS: The pictures are from LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT PAGE Format, starting from image 4, which is LEFT side so Pic 2 is right and again pic 3 is left, 4 is right and so on. I had to struggle and devote too much time to this project, collecting material. But, now that you have it, please do NOT blindly copy it.


Make sure to add your contribution to learn something. Do what your teachers have asked to do. Just because I have chosen this, does not mean you have to follow me blindly like sheep. Do what you FEEL like and walk towards success:D Cheers!