Iljichevskij Port Uslugi Kapitanii
For cancellations made at least 3 full days prior to the scheduled day the whole amount of your down payment is returned and there will be no additional costs. For cancellations made 3 full days or less prior to the scheduled day, the down payment is not refunded. The same thing will happen in case. Seaside Park, located in the center of the city, nearby the beach, is the most beautiful park of Liepaja.It has many different tree species, three stadiums, a concert-garden, a bowling center, minigolf, and in summer - summer cafeterias and many cultural events.
Dear Visitor, To simplify the planning your vacation and your stay on our island we have prepared this travel planner. This planner can be used in a way that each section in which you see the sign +PLANER you can add it to the planer as an activity. Once you have selected all the activities for which you are interested, you can arrange them according to your convenience during the days of your stay. Four activities can be added for a single day. Once you have planned out all the days of your stay, you can send your planner to someone by mail or simply print it.
The data in the planner will remain stored in your browser until the next visit, so you can change it later. Unfaithfully yours 1948 full movie. In case you want to begin your planning again, delete all the items by clicking on the link 'Clear planner'.