The term cracker is used as a neutral nickname by inhabitants of Georgia and Florida; it is a positive term of self-reference. But when the nickname is used by outsiders, it is usually with disparaging intent and perceived as insulting by Georgians and Floridians. Cracker is always disparaging and offensive when used to refer to a poor white person in the South; the word in this sense often implies that the person is regarded as ignorant or uneducated.
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A cracker is not a slave owner or overseer cracking a whip. 'Cracker' predates the plantation era; and it refers to someone who would have been too poor to own slaves. It is a farmers who raised only cracked products, such as wheat and corn.
When used by black people, cracker can refer to a Southern white racist, not necessarily poor or rural. N.2 Southern U.S. Derogatory term for 'poor, white trash' (1766), probably from mid-15c. Crack 'to boast' (e.g. Tablica prihod rashod ostatok.
Not what it's cracked up to be), originally a Scottish word. Latin crepare 'to rattle, crack, creak,' with a secondary figurative sense of 'boast of, prattle, make ado about.' I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas and Georgia, who often change their places of abode. Cochrane] But DARE compares corn-cracker 'poor white farmer' (1835, U.S. Midwest colloquial). Especially of Georgians by 1808, though often extended to residents of northern Florida.
Another name in mid-19c. Use was sand-hiller 'poor white in Georgia or South Carolina.'
Not very essentially different is the condition of a class of people living in the pine-barrens nearest the coast [of South Carolina], as described to me by a rice-planter. They seldom have any meat, he said, except they steal hogs, which belong to the planters, or their negroes, and their chief diet is rice and milk. 'They are small, gaunt, and cadaverous, and their skin is just the color of the sand-hills they live on. They are quite incapable of applying themselves steadily to any labor, and their habits are very much like those of the old Indians.' [Frederick Law Olmsted, 'A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States,' 1856].
WHATS CRACKER LACKING? Diwali is a five day celebration, and there is a whole mix up with which date it fall on.
Diwali falls on the 22nd and 23rd of October. What are the Diwali events that are happening at the moment? Firstly, Diwali show that’s taking place at the Patidah hall on the 22nd October, from 18:00 till late. Secondly, Diwali festival in the Lenz cricket stadium on the 19th October. Lastly, Massive sales occurring at almost every pooja shop- so pick, chose and refuse. Lenasia south welcomes everyone and anyone to join the celebration, but most importantly make sure you keep pets away from the noises, suggestions loud music soothes their ears from the explosions or an injection can be provided by the SPCA that allows them to sleep peacefully. It is always better to take into consideration the safety and precautions of others that are around you.
A friendly tip, wear a reflective jacket when lighting fireworks on the road to notify the drivers that you are doing so, in some residential areas there is a lack of street lights and this may effect a drivers visual.